Donation by bank transfer
Your support will be used to rescuing cats who have nowhere to go and have came to Cherubims. Our activities are made possible by your support and donations.
Cherubim Each facility has a donation box. You are always welcome to bring your own donations to our shelters and say hi to our cats.
Donate from your bank account to ours
All your donations will be used for the cost of shelter for the orphaned cats.
Rakuten Bank
First Sales Branch cord 251
Savings account number 7310231
Tokutei hieiri katsudou houjin doubutsutachi wo mamorukai kerubimu
Japan Post Bank
(code number) :17080
(account number):12946351
(name) : okuteihieirikatsudouhoujin doubutsutachiwomamorukai kerubimu
Payee Account Number:
17080 - 12946351
Name of Payee Account Holder:
Tokuteihieirikatsudouhoujin doubutsutachiwomamorukai kerubimu
Payee Address
4F 2-1-1 Mashiki Ginowan Okinawa JAPAN
Payee Telephone Number
Okinawa Bank
Oojana Branch
savings account 1644471
Tokutei hieiri katsudou houjin doubutsutachi wo mamorukai kerubimu
Daihyou riji Nakamura Risa
Bank of the Ryukyus
Motobu Branch Ordinary 404195
Tokutei hieiri katsudou houjin doubutsutachi wo mamorukai kerubimu
riji Nakamura Risa
postal transfer
Postal transfer account 01780-3-63711
Tokutei hieiri katsudou houjin doubutsutachi wo mamorukai kerubimu